Monday, September 13, 2010

Alternative energy cannot replace fossil fuels

     It's true that alternative energy is plentiful and is almost limitless, but alternative energy is not suffiecient. Only12% of all energy comsumed in the United States is alternative energy, even though there are millions of turbines and solar panels collecting alternative energy. Also, fossil fuels aren't the only thing causing global warming. Humans add CO2 to the atmosphere just by breathing. There are 6 billion humans on Earth. That's a lot of CO2 released by humans every minute.
     I want to ask you how are fossil fuels increasing hurricane, acidic oceans , etc.. Also, you said that fossil fuels are not natural. That's not true. Research has shown that fossil fuels are made up of dead organisms.
     Here is a quote from the other teams blog:

     Global warming is real; we're not going to deny that, but 95% of all greenhouse gases is water vapor (clouds). We cannot affect the cycle of evaporaion-condensation-percipitation, so humans didn't cause the majority of global warming.
     I also want to say that alternative energy DOES pollute the environment. Solar, wind, and hydroelectric power produces electricity, which we use to power of electric appliances and homes. Scientific research has shown that electricity releases carbon diocide, a greenhouse gas. Although the amount of CO2 released by electricity is miniscule compared to the amount of CO2 released by fossil fuels, CO2 is still being added to the atmosphere, meaing the environment is still being destroyed.

     Here is as quote by ExxonMobil, an international energy corporation:

"Although wind, solar, biofuels and nuclear all compete with fossil fuels as sources of primary energy, their contribution to the world’s total energy demand is limited because they are more expensive than fossil fuels – and in the case of nuclear, limited by waste and disposal concerns…

     This quote says that alternative energy is mroe expensive than fossil fuels. I said before that alternative energy is less sufficient than fossil fuels, and now we have proof that alternative energy is more expensive than fossil fuels. People will have to use more energy and pay more for the same amount of energy. Many people around the globe will not be able to afford the energy.

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