Friday, November 12, 2010


     Drugs aren't good for the body. They can give you cancer or make you crave for more. But why do people consume the drugs in the first place? Sugar is a drug, but it gives flavor into our food and not harmful unless consumed in large amounts. Caffeine, which can be found in coffee and Coca Cola, is an addictive drug, but it helps keep the body awake, which some people need. But drugs like cocaine, mariguana, and cigarettes are even more harmful and addictive, so why even begin to use them?
     Peer pressure can greatly contribute to the use of drugs. Let's say a high school student's friend smokes. At a party, the high school student is invited, and discovers that he's the only one there who doesn't smoke. There will be at least one person at that party who will try to give the student a cigarette. There will always be a time when peer pressure is successful and the student will take the cigarette so they won't feel left out. Studies have shown that only 3 puffs of a cigarette can get you addicted; that one cigarette the student was given had made the student a smoker. As many people know, it's very hard to get out of the habit of smoking. The student will being to smoke more and more each day.
     There are people on Earth who are so curious they cannot hold themselves back from trying something new like smoking. Seeing many people smoking on the streets and commercials of cigarettes on TV and on the streets can make a curious person try smoking. If the foulness of a cigarette makes him/her put it down, they're lucky. If they don't puyt it down they get addicted after three puffs, like I said before. Afterwards the same thing that happened to the high school student will happen to the curious person. Curiosity kills the cat. Learn to be less curious.
     It doesn't matter which way someone begins to smoke. What matters is that they just messed up their lives (sorry if you're a smoker reading this) and we can learn from their mistakes. If you don't begin to smoke, you can never get addicted.


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