Saturday, December 4, 2010

Response to Vic

     First of all, I have to say that I like how he talks about his own blog as if he's a total stranger like in this quote:
 "I agree with Jesse's post that Vic's blog is awesome."
The speaker is Vic and he talks about how awesome Vic's blog is. I need to try this next time.

     After saying something you like about something, you must say something you don't like about it, too! I don't like how Vic made the whole post about how to download fish. Why download fish? You can go to the pet store and buy a pet fish for 25 cents each, but maybe the price went up.

     Also, here's a quote from Vic's post:
"If you were to download something online for a fish tank you can recieve a virus or even crash your computer because the download may not always be safe."

Nowadays, nearly nothing is completely safe, for you, somebody else, or an inanimate object. Download something and you can get a virus, go to Oakland and you can get jumped, etc.. I think Vic should mention that hackers and spyware are so intelligent and advanced that you don't need to download something to put in a virus.
     Overall, I think the blog post is interesting because the post is about hard facts and the topic shifts from vic's blog to fish to downloads. On the other hand, everyone should know everything that vic stated by now. Parents warn children not to randomly download stuff online because you can catch a virus. Fish are boring and youu shouldn't waste money to buy some, or to buy fish food. And blogs are always awesome because they're unique and nobody can completely dupicate one.

     I wrote this because I wanted to get my response post over with. I skimmed Vic's post instead of reading it. But at the end of Vic's post says:
"Overall, no one should purchase nor should they download fishes online."
This quote says that you should neither buy fish from a store nor download a fishtank and fish online. So what do you do if you want to look at some fish swim around? Youtube?I think that'd get boring over some time.

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