Friday, January 21, 2011

Should teens be allowed to vote?

     These days, the majority of children only care about games and hanging out with friends. They're very immature and they haven't experienced much about the world, yet. This immaturity can lead to unwise choices and someone can become president just by being popular among youths.
     Parents are also a factor in who children vote for. There is no law that forbids parents from threatening their children; they can simply say, "Vote for blah blah blah or else I'll take away your Xbox360." This is a little unfair to the child because they want to have fun, like i stated before, and they might want to vote for someone else. Giving teens suffrage allows parents or guardians to get more votes in for someone.
     At my age, I'm pretty busy and I should focus on obtaining better grades and studying for tests. Others should also do the same and not worry about what the Democrats will do and what the Republicans will do. I've lived in the United States all my life and I still don't comprehend the system of government (but I know for sure that the government lies to the public). There are so many lies that I think I can write several books about them. Therefore, I think other teens my age don't know about the government affairs, either.
     Finally, I think that many students in America should focus more on their grades instead of suffrage. I went to Chipman before coming to ASTI, and about 50% of the last graduating class had at least one D or F; this showed how poorly the school was doing. A good education helps greatly later on in life and people who need to improve their grades should be studying. There will always be time to vote after graduating.
     Many adults have told me to enjoy being a teen while I can and have fun. Teens should be enjoying themselves while they can so that they won't regret their decisions later in life; you only get to be a teen once.
     Being a democratic nation, voting is extremely important and exciting to some, but the immaturity, nonchalance, and poor grades some teens have makes it seem very unwise to allow teens to vote.

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