Friday, March 18, 2011

Vignette project

Table of Contents

1. Computers and TVs
2. The big tree
3. Badminton

Computers and TVs

My parents watch TV everyday live maniacs, for several hours. They watch anything that interests them. They’ve watched Chinese shows, comedies, many more shows. Most of them weren;’t even interesting; some were boring bullshit. Every night, from 8 o’clock to 10 o ’clock, they sit on the sofa in front of the TV and pass the time.
Instead of watching TV, my sister and I play computer games instead. We often spend at least 3 hours on the computer straight. Whenever I begin to play games, I want to be left alone and undisturbed by my parents because they often tell me to do chores just to make me leave the computer. It’s either, “Andy, taker care of the laundry,” or ,”Andy, clean your room.” The only thing they tell my sister to do is to throw away the recycle, which takes a lot less time.
To make me play less computer games, my parents took away my keyboard. Obviously, the plan backfired, because I still had my mouse and the lack of a keyboard interfered with my homework. When they took away my wireless mouse, I used my spare mouse, which they didn’t know about. I play games whenever I have spare time or whenever I want to piss someone off. Pissing people off makes me feel better. There are so many ways to annoy people; it’s as fun as video games. Absolutely not as boring as the TV, where all you do is sit down...

The big tree in my neighbor’s yard

There is a big tree in my neighbor’s yard. In the fall, you can expect to see leaves littered across the backyard. Hundreds of leaves fall into our yard everyday, and it’s my responsibility to sweep them up. It constantly gives me more chores. When I’m done sweeping, I find that my back aches like my arms after I do push-ups. My sister never sweeps the backyard, so she doesn’t know my pain.
The tree has to be at least 4 stories high. I need to turn my head to a back-breaking angle to see the top. If a storm strong enough to blow the tree over comes along, my house will be demolished if it topples over. The tree needs to be removed to preserve the safety of the neighborhood.
Roots extend from the tree all the way my backyard. The roots made the cement bulge in several places. Several years ago, my parents removed the worst of the roots, but some areas are bulging up again. It’s becoming more and more of a pain. I can’t imagine what it must be doing to countless other backyards. Furthermore, the tree can’t be cut down without permission, which the managers won’t give; they need to look at it from our perspective. What a pain.


     “No, I get the windy side! You get the other side!”
     My sister wanted the tailwind again. Whenever we play badminton outside our house, she takes the side that has the tailwind; I always get the other side.
     “It’s my turn,” I said, “You’ve taken that side everytime.”
     “Fine. But only for 5 minutes,” my sister replied. So we both took our sides and served the shuttlecock. I was so used to hitting harder because of a headwind, I sent the shuttlecock flying over the lawn.
     “Hit it softer,” my sister complained, “How am I supposed to get it?”
     “That’s how I always feel,” I responded.
     Not saying anything, my sister served the shuttlecock. It flew up then fell down, landing 3 feet away from her feet. “This side sucks. I want back my side!”
     I sighed, “Doesn’t feel so good being on that side, does it? Life’s not fair, live with it.”
     “No, I want my side. Move. Move.” She began pushing me to the other side. I simply put away my racket and went back into the house.
     “Back so soon?” my mom asked me.
     “She refuses to go to the side wind the headwind,” I replied.


     CMS stands for Chipman Middle School. It’s a dirty school where students stick gum all over the walls and most people there don’t even care about their education.

     The school consists of two quads, a long corridor, a yard, and two floors. The ground is clean, althuogh there is often litter. The walls look disgusting with all the dry gum. Plants are located in the center of each quad.

     The teachers at Chipman are good, bad, and average. Some, like Mr. Lawler, are terrible and deserve to be fired for everything he did. For example, on the first day of seventh grade, he called Troy A”big hair boy” in less than 5 minutes. He always used sarcasm, and never taught the class anything. Other teachers are good but hated. The music teacher, Mrs. Cable, spits when she talks and lots of other things. Finally, there are teachers who are loved by the students. My art teacher focused on hand-on projects and was very kind to students.

     At times, Chipman can be fun and enjoyable. Otherwise, the teachers and students there are annoying and unreasonable.


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