Friday, March 25, 2011

Raising Children

     Teenage boys and girls are raised differently. Boys are raised to be hard-workers, while girls are raised to be a bit like kitchen maids. Sandra Cisnero implies that teenage boys and girls should be raised the same way in "The House on Mango Street." This is implies  through sections of text and the tone of the text.
     To show th importance of equality in the way children are raised, Cisnero wrote a vignette to show her opinion. For example, it says, "...a woman's place is sleeping so she can wake up early with the tortilla star...[and] under the swollen floorboards nobody fixes." Cisnero implies that women should not be raised to just cook and clean. Women are capable of a lot more tan that. The tone of the text implies hat Cisnero despises what women are raised to be. She believes they should be given as many oppurtunities as men.
     What really matters is that men and women should be equal. Cisnero stated, "What matters, Marin says, is for the boys to see us and for us to see them." Here, Cisnero used a bit of symbolism; to see the means to understand each other. In order to understand each other, men and women need to be raised to live and think the same way. This showws Cisnero believees men and women shuld be raised the same way.
     Finally, teenage girls ae held up to incredibly high standards that teenage boys don't have to follow. In "Red Clowns," it sas, "I waited my whole life. You're a liar. They all lied...everything that told it wrong." Esperanza was raped. These lines show that she was told sex was pleasant or something. But when she was raped, she finally realized that the people who told her that had lied. And instead of hating the rapist, she began to cry because it wasn't how she thought it would be. Cisnero implies that girls are raised to be sex toys like in "The Color Purple." This isn't right in today's society, and needs to be changed.
     Thorughout "The House on Mango Street," Sandra Cisnero provides implications on her opinion on how boys and girls should be raised. She believes girls should be raised equally with boys. Equality is one of the main reasons wwhy Sandra wrote "The House on Mango Street."

1 comment:

  1. Good work on this one. Good choice of quotes and your analysis is strong.
