Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Post on Book

     I began reading "The Titan's Curse" by Rick Riordan for Mr. Sutherland's lass last Thursday. It's probably my 10th time reading it. I finished on the first day. Now, I'm asked to write a blog post about an essay question. I chose the one asking about a character's personaltity, characteristics, etc.
     I think I want to analyze Thalia. She's the daughter of Zeus. Percy describes her as a girl who wears a "ripped-up army jacket, black leather pants and chain jewelry [and] black eyeliner." Obviously, Thalia doesn't seem like the person you'd pick on; it is more likely she will pcik on you. Furthermore, she fits my description of a gang member who picks fight on every corner. It also doesn't seem like she will et many friends with that clothes like that either; people would avoid her.
     In additions to punk clothes, "Thalia was great at giving evil looks." Going back to the point about fitting the description of a gang memebr and picking fights, I think these evil looks are the number 1 reason why she would actually get into fights. Evil looks make soem people back off. It makes others pissed off and angry at you.
     At the end of the book, it says that "Thalia hugged..."(You don't need to know the rest.). She does not seem like the type of person who would hug people, more like the type that would punch people. Regardless of how much I disagree, Thalia actually has a soft and kind side of her, too.
     Thalia also doesn't like being pushed around. In the middle of the book, she told Zoe: "You're not the boss here, Zoe. I don't care how old you are! You're still a conceited little brat!" This shows how stubborn she is and how much she refuses to be used. She'll insult and rebell when she feels that someone has gone too far.
     Thalia is a stubborn, mean, and cruel girl. And yet, she still has another side of her. She refuses to change her ways or ideas, unless proven wrong over and over again. Her unique style and behavior immediately shows that she means trouble and should be avoided.


  1. Okay Andy, your post is good. But you focus to mmuch inthe beginning on the the whole character apperance. It is good, but try to focus more on its interactio with other charcaters and herself. Her personality and how she is as a person. I also have a uaeion: why did her apperance make you think she would not be a person that someone whould want to hang out with? After reading more about her do you still think of her as a person you could see yourself hanging out with?
    I also like at the end when you start to talk about the other side of her. You should have a contrast aboout her character. I think you had more ideas about her but just couldn't find the the words. Add more on it though. Over all, good blog post.

  2. That is smart of you to read the book 20 because now you can explain about it a lot and by the way you could of atleast switched it up a notch because i would be bored to death if i read that book 20 times and it is hella pages. By the way put the question on top of your blog so then i can get which question you are answering because now i do not have a clue about what you are doing. Ok i like your post because you given us a brief explanation about the book which is great because now i feel like reading it because i like goood topics like that, but then it is just to long i just want a book that is short an a lot of action. Also i like how you had a lot to say about it and the explanation grabbed my attention through the whole story but remember to state the question and good job!!

  3. while reading andy blog post it seems like he really like it because he read it 10 times.i will also say it a good book but it not something i will sit down and read.

  4. Your fishies are laggy.
    First off, after reading it 10 times I suggest you pick another book to read instead of being lazy. Also check your spelling.
    At first you said that she has a kind side to her, but then in the end you only described her as a stubborn, mean, and cruel girl. Did her kindness go away?
    In paragraph "In addition," you said that evil looks aren't the number 1 reason why she gets into fights, but you never told us if she ever did get into a fight. I think you should look into the "fight" concpet and her and analyse it.
    And again.. your fishies are laggy, get tid of them or something...

  5. Wow Andy it seems like You really like this book to be reading it 10 times. Your book sounds int-resting but it seems like your blog post is full of stereo types. I think because of how u describe the girl you said because she wears the rape army jacket she cant be the one someone will pick on because she will start something back with you. I don't find a good to describe a girl being mean because of what she is wearing.But it seems like you are enjoying your book a lot and to me it also seem good but it just not the type of book i may read.
