Friday, September 17, 2010


     Is homework a good thing or a bad thing? Teachers and paretns say it's a good thing; they help you learn and get an education, which is good for your future. Students think that homework is torture and should not be assigned. Students are the ones who have to the do the homework, which is why they coplain about it. The teachers don't have to do it so they don't complain.

     That didn't answer the overall question: Is homework a good thing or a bad thing? It depends on how you look at it. This is probably the best answer anyone can give. If you're the student who has to do it, you wouldn't want to do it. As teenagers, we care about dates and TV and computers, not homwork.

     Parents care about us. They want us to be sucessful in life so they tell us to do our homeowrk. They dn't have to do it but they've done it before when they were teenagers. Why would they want tro torture you? it's because they care. Even though they understand what you're going through when you do homework, they don't do a very good job of telling us why we should do homework. Many teenagers would probably start doing their homework if they knew why they're doing it.

     Finally, teachers assign homework for one of three reasons: they care about you like your parents do, they hate you and want to torture you, or they're abusing their power a bit and assigning lots of homework. Many people become doctors and nurses because they're high paying occupations.Teachers need training and many teachers are being laid off right now; not many people who want money would want to become a teacher. The most common reason why teachers became teachers is because they care about us teenagers; they want us to do well in life and just be happy.These teachers really care about us. They're giving us homework for a reason, just like how parents make us do homework for a reason: they care.

This is what I think about this question.

1 comment:

  1. Super interesting post to me. There is much more I want to say about this than I feel I can say. Let's leave it at this: I have mixed feelings about what homework is "for." It's a wide-open question, and lots of teachers disagree about the value of homework, its purposes, etc.

    But I think you do a really great job of opening this discussion up from a student's perspective. Thanks for writing it; you've got me thinking.
